Those patients undergoing decompression alone may postoperatively develop progression or the new appearance of olisthy, while those primarily fused rarely show further increase or a new onset of slip.
Patients with sensory-predominant neuropathy should be tested for glucose tolerance and vitamin B12 concentration.
Pregabalin appears to be a safe and effective alternative for the treatment of painful diabetic polyneuropathy.
In this population, deficient nutritional status may contribute to its relatively high incidence of cerebral vein thrombosis.
CT angiography has high sensitivity and high negative predictive value for carotid disease.
These findings provide compelling evidence in favor of the amyloid cascade hypothesis, which suggests that amyloid beta leads to the development of hyperphosphorylated tau aggregates within neurons.
Vihtamaki and colleagues from Finland measured the circulating levels of estradiol 12 hours after the topical, percutaneous, evening administration of 1.5 mg estradiol (EstroGel) in 10 women who had been using this method of hormone therapy for at least 2 years.
It is clear that the United States Cesarean section rate (CSR), while tailing off in the late 1990s, is now again rapidly heading upward. What Should be the Ideal CSR? Why the Recent Rise in CSR? Whos Most Apt to Either Offer or Comply with Patient-Requested Cesarean Section?